Your Failure Expert

Over a decade outside the 9-to-5, I've gathered tools and insights to help you build better with GenAI. Join me as we dive deep into how to streamline the ideation and execution of content with the latest in AI. We will explore topics like productivity hacks, digital learning, and leveraging AI. 

There are endless possibilities to build, create, and make your mark. Let's discover them together.

A little more about me

Discover The 138 Way

To me, The 138 Way is more than just a fashion brand; it's a philosophy I've embraced and want to share with the world. It is broken down into 1 Purpose, defined by 3 Pillars of Nature, Community, and Empowerment, and 8 Core Principles guiding everything we do. Read more here

Fashion is a powerful medium of self-expression. So, I asked myself, why not infuse deeper meaning into what we wear? At The 138 Way, each collection we introduce isn't just in line with the latest trends but is crafted with a message and purpose.

Learn More

Contact Me

Feel free to drop me a line using the contact form. I'm always excited to hear from curious minds like you.

Chat with me about AI, e-commerce, productivity hacks - or anything else that interests you. I'm passionate about new ideas and helping people build cooler stuff.

I'll reply as soon as I can.

Talk soon! -Mahmoud

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